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Mensajes : 25
Fecha de inscripción : 13/03/2018

stock markets  Empty stock markets

Miér Mar 21, 2018 5:47 pm
The stock markets are one of the most vital components of a free-market economy, as they provides companies with access to capital in exchange for giving investors a slice of ownership. The stock market allows companies to raise money by offering stock shares and corporate bonds. It lets investors participate in the financial achievements of the companies, making money through the dividends (essentially, cuts of the company’s profits) the shares pay out and by selling appreciated stocks at a profit, or capital gain. (Of course, the downside is that investors can lose money if the share price falls or depreciates, and the investor has to sell the stocks at a loss.) Ben Tre, Vietnam[url=Make link from this topic to the following address: https://online-stock-exchange.com/_/stock_markets/r299502_-stock-markets/Ben Tre-Vietnam.html]Make link from this topic to the following address: https://online-stock-exchange.com/_/stock_markets/r299502_-stock-markets/Ben Tre-Vietnam.html[/url]
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